Trying to find an affordable parcel of land near crystal clear Table Rock Lake to build your dream home on where all the hard work has been done for you?! What about beautiful neighbors, a level cleared build site, and still be within 30 minutes of world class dining/shopping etc in Eureka Springs and all of the entertainment and restaurants in Branson, Missouri. Also by water just minutes to popular Campbell Point Marina with all your lake needs including (personal favorite) Skinny Dip Ice Cream Shop! Yummm. Dreams really do come true! Enjoy room to breathe and build to your hearts content on a whopping approx 4+/- acres with low restrictions and convenient access to community water and electric. The wait is over, break out those blueprints and head to the lake where new cherished memories await @ Lake Ridge subdivision, Shell Knob, in the heart of the rolling ozark hills.
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